How to make a change?
How to make a change?

How to make a change?

How to change people?
I suppose it will be :
  • link "keep going" to possible loss
  • link "change / improvement" to possible benefits
  • show good samples / sucessful cases which is close to their context
A team is bad at test automation, and is not awared of that, how to change the situation?
I did :
  • identify external measures, having a clear link to their test case quality, e.g. test case execution time which heavily affect the continuous integration interval time, maintenance / bug-fixing effort spend due to insufficient / uneffective test automation, and so on
  • identify internal motivation, having a member in the team or kind of coach (better whom they trust) shouting always what are the good test cases, and providing help on how to write the good test cases
  • examples of good quality test cases, providing a comparison to show the differences between test cases

