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- Tianjin SW Community & QClub: 敏捷软件测试之简介(微盘,SlideShare)
- Agile Tour Shanghai 2012: Agile Testing Days 2012 Takeaways(微盘,SlideShare)
- Agile China 2012: 敏捷教练之路(微盘,SlideShare,MP3)
- Ltesting Salon Beijing: 敏捷之下焉有测试 (微盘,SlideShare,视频) ,圆桌讨论“敏捷测试可以解决什么问题”
- ChinaTest Conference 2012: 大测大悟——测试的敏捷之道 (微盘,SlideShare)
- MPD Nanjing 2012: Scrum为什么有效? (微盘,SlideShare)
- InfoQ CN Virtual Interview on Testing and QA: 虚拟座谈会:专家眼中的QA、敏捷测试、探索式测试及测试的开放性
- 6th TW BQConf: 测试员自我修养(微盘,SlideShare,Video)
- ChinaTest Beijing Salon: 重温测试自动化 – 微博版 (微盘,SlideShare)
- Agile China 2011: 速度——敏捷开发的丹田之气(微博,SlideShare,Voice MP3,Video Youku)
- PMI China 2011: 惠普敏捷转型解决方案(微盘 ,SlideShare)
- Scrum Gathering Shanghai 2011 Ketchup
- Shanghai iTalk Salon: “银弹!银弹!” (微盘,SlideShare)
- Agile Tour 2011 Hangzhou: I Run Out of Silver Bullets, Now What?(微盘,SlideShare,Video Youku)
- Agile Tour 2011 Fuzhou: 现代化敏捷测试工作者(SlideShare)
- Scrum Gathering Shanghai 2010: I Ran Out of Silver Bullets, Now What? (Scrum Alliance Website,微盘,SlideShare)
- Agile China 2010: Be Modern Agile Tester,(微盘,SlideShare,CSDN报道,InfoQ报道)
- ScrumShanghai 2010: Why Scrum Master-ing? (微盘,SlideShare)
- Agile Tour 2010 Qingdao: ATDD In Practice(微盘,SlideShare,Video Youku)
- “Programmer” Magazine: 敏捷实践的七个方面
- ScrumChina 2009 Shanghai Gathering: ATDD In Practice
- Chengdu Agile Tour 2009: ATDD In Practice : a NSN Story(微盘,SlideShare,Video Youku)
- 51Testing Shanghai Tester Salon: 敏捷性测试之ATDD 材料下载
- Scrum Chengdu First Assembling: Testing and Test Automation, Photo Gallery, My Blog
- InfoQ CN Interview on Scrum Adoption at China: Scrum在中国——企业实施情况调查实录
- Scrum China User Group ScrumChina2008: Test Automation with Robotframework