Just read 2 articles, felt it explained something (and I agree with that), watch company’s change / transformation from its angle would be interesting. You can access the whole article with a free subscription. Some parts as extracted below :
“Making the emotional case for change: An interview with Chip Heath” (变革需要情感理由——齐普·希思专访)
– >> It’s not enough for people to intellectually understand that an organization must start moving in a different strategic direction. People need to be motivated.
– >> But that’s not true of most change situations, where you need to be doing something new. Fear is the worst motivator here because it makes people work harder at what they did in the past.
– >> In many organizations, a change initiative consists of 35 slides in a PowerPoint deck analyzing the reasons for change. There’s nothing in the deck that helps employees believe that “We’re the kind of people who can successfully make this change.”
“What successful transformations share: McKinsey Global Survey results” (麦肯锡全球调查:成功的转型有何共同之处)
– >> we found evidence suggesting the importance of engaging employees collaboratively throughout the company and throughout the transformation journey. Another major theme was the importance of building capabilities—particularly leadership capabilities—to maintain long-term organizational health.
– # the CN version is complete, for EN version, you need upgrade the account to read all the contents …